Matinee Finals This Sunday

The PEI Matinee Championship Finals, which will take place Sunday, September 23 at Red Shores Summerside, shows the great diversity of matinee racing.

In opposition to the highly regulated racing industry, the five Island tracks give an opportunity to both youth and amateurs to compete, and provides a purpose for many uncompetitive racehorses.

Ryan DesRoche is a veteran of the matinee circuit. This is his third year as a driver and he is only 14 years old. Molly Murphy of Augustine Cove is a rookie this year, but she is making her presence known, driving her N Xample Deal with a competitive spirit worthy of any catch driver. Molly is also 14.

At the other end of the spectrum is the venerable Step On Nanny, an 18-year-old horse who loves to race and loves to win. 'Nanny' may only be four years older than the rookie drivers in terms of human years, but Nanny has a quarter of a lifetime in horse years. Mandatory retirement for racehorses is at age 14, and Step On Nanny might be a little slower, but she's no less anxious to hit that wire first and have her picture taken. She holds the distinction of being the oldest horse racing on the Island, and if truth be known, probably anywhere in North America.

Don't miss the culmination of a summer of competitive racing at Summerside on Sunday and see if youth can trump age or experience.

(PEI Matinee Development Project)

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