La famille est importante

Point De Vue

À la fin avril de cette année, j’ai eu l’honneur d’être invité à Charlottetown par l’Association des propriétaires de chevaux Standardbred de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (PEISHOA),

Family Matters

The View

In late April of this year I was honoured to be invited to Charlottetown by The Prince Edward Island Standardbred Horse Owners Association (PEISHOA), to be the guest speaker at their

Making Her Father Proud

Paige Austin

Paige Austin grew up around her dad’s Standardbreds, and there was nowhere else she wanted to be. Working summers for him on the family farm in Fergus, Ontario, the pair even travelled

Tales From The Sales

Yearling Sales

Horsepeople are often great story-tellers, and yearling sales often produce great stories. Combine the two things together and it should be the recipe for a great read.

Envie D’Encore Plus

Point De Vue

Je suis le premier à me plaindre quand je pense que les pouvoirs en place dans les courses Standardbred ne font pas assez pour commercialiser notre sport et rechercher notre prochaine génération de fans, alors permettez-moi d’être parmi les premiers à les reconnaître et à les remercier quand ils le font.

Craving More

The View

I’m the first to complain when I think the-powers-that-be in Standardbred racing aren’t doing enough to market our sport and seek out our next generation of fans,